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rain2 发表于 2012-1-16 15:38:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 rain2 于 2012-1-16 19:03 编辑



So, the headlines say somebody elsehas died due to video game addiction. Yes, it's Korea again.
What the hell? Look, I'm not sayingvideo games are heroin. Itotally get that the victims had other shit going onin their lives.But, half of you reading this know a World of Warcraft addict andexpertssay video game addiction is a thing.

最近呢 报纸的头条说又有人因为沉迷游戏而死了

Sohere's the big question:Are some games intentionally designed to keepyou compulsively playing, evenwhen you're not enjoying it?


Oh, hell yes. And their methods aredownright creepy.


#5. Putting You in aSkinner Box

#5. 把你当小白鼠

If you've ever been addictedto a game or known someone who was, this article is really freakingdisturbing.


It'swritten by a gamesresearcher at Microsoft on how to make video gamesthat hook players, whetherthey like it or not. He has a doctorate inbehavioral and brainsciences.


"Eachcontingency is an arrangementof time, activity, and reward, and thereare an infinite number of ways theseelements can be combined toproduce the pattern of activity you want from yourplayers."


Noticehis article does not containthe words "fun" or "enjoyment."That's nothis field. Instead it's "the pattern ofactivity you want."


"...at this point, youngergamers will raise their arms above their head, leaving themvulnerable."


Histheories are based around thework of BF Skinner, who discovered youcould control behavior by trainingsubjects with simple stimulus andreward.

他的理论基于B. F.Skinner。这个人发现,控制生物的行为只需要用简单的赏罚措施来训练目标。

He invented the "SkinnerBox," a cage containing a small animal that, for instance, presses alever to get food pellets.

他发明的Skinnerbox斯金纳箱 ,用来控制小动物,比如拉一个杆或者按按钮就可以得到食物

This sort of thing caused gamesresearcher Nick Yee to once call Everquest a "Virtual Skinner Box."

这玩意的发明导致了游戏研究者 Nick Yee 把《无尽的任务》称为Skinner虚拟实验室。

So What's TheProblem?


Gaminghas changed. It used to bethat once they sold us a $50 game, theydidn't particularly carehow long we played.The big thing was makingsure we liked it enough to buy thenext one.


But the industry is moving towardsubscription-based games likeMMO's that need the subject to keepplaying--and paying--until the sungoes supernova.


Now, there's no way they cancreate enough exploration or story tokeep you playing for thousands of hours,so they had to change themechanics of the game, so players would instead keepdoing the sameactions over and over and over, whether they liked it or not. Sogamedevelopers turned to Skinner's techniques.


This is a big source of controversyin the world of game designright now. Braid creator Jonathan Blow saidSkinnerian game mechanicsare a form of "exploitation."It's not that these games can't be fun.But they'redesigned to keep gamers subscribing during the periods whenit's notfun, locking them into a repetitive slog using Skinner'smanipulativesystem of carefully scheduled rewards.

这个目前在游戏设计方面是一个很大的争论。《时空环境》的设计者 Jonathan Blow认为Skinner这种模式的游戏机理是一种剥削形式。它不是那种“好玩的游戏”,而是设计出来让玩家定期辛勤地劳作,通过Skinner用来控制生物的奖赏惩罚制度把他们牢牢的栓在电脑前不断的猛击鼠标键盘。

Why would this work, when the"rewards" are just digital objects that don'tactually exist? Well...

你想问为什么这种方法会奏效,那些奖励都只是一些电子代码啊? 那么请看下面   


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 楼主| rain2 发表于 2012-1-16 15:39:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rain2 于 2012-1-16 15:41 编辑

#4. Creating Virtual FoodPellets For You To Eat

#4. 制造一些虚拟精神食粮给你喂食

Most addiction-based game elementsare based on this fact:
Your brain treats items and goods in thevideo game world as if they are real. Because they are.


People scoff at this idea all thetime ("You spent all that timeworking for a sword that doesn'teven exist?") and those people arestupid. If it takes time, effort andskill to obtain an item, that itemhas value, whether it's made ofdiamonds, binary code or beef jerky.


I have easily 500 hours in Zeldabottles.


That'swhy the highest courtin South Korea ruled that virtual goods are to belegally treated the same asreal goods. And virtual goods are now a $5billion industryworldwide.


There'snothing crazy aboutit. After all, people pay thousands of dollars fordiamonds, even thoughdiamonds do nothing but look pretty. A video gamesuit of armor looks pretty andprotects you from video game orcs. Inboth cases you're paying for anidea.



So What's The Problem?

Of course, virtually every game of the last25 years has includeditems you can collect in the course of defeating thegame--there'snothing new or evil about that. But because gamers regardin-game itemsas real and valuable on their own, addiction-based games sendyourunning around endlessly collecting them even if they have nothing todo withthe game's objective.



It is very much intentional on thedevelopers' part, an appeal toour natural hoarding and gatheringinstincts, collecting for the sakeof collecting. It works, too, just ask theguy who kept collectingitems even while naked boobies sat just feet away.Boobies.


As the article from the Microsoftguy proves, developers knowthey're using these objects as pellets in aSkinner box. At that pointit's all about...


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 楼主| rain2 发表于 2012-1-16 15:41:45 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rain2 于 2012-1-16 15:42 编辑

#3. Making You Press theLever

#3. 让你主动按按钮

So picture the rat in his box. Or,since I'm one of these gamersand don't like to think of myselfas a rat, picture an adorablehamster. Maybe he can talk, and is voiced by ChrisRock.


Ifyou want to make him press thelever as fast as possible, how would youdo it? Not by giving him a pellet withevery press--he'll soon relax,knowing the pellets are there when heneeds them. No, the best way isto set up the machine so that it drops thepellets at random intervalsof lever pressing. He'll soon start pumpingthat thing as fast as hecan. Experiments prove it.


See? Proof.


They call these "VariableRatio Rewards" in Skinner land and thisis the reason many enemies"drop" valuable items totally at random inWoW. This isaddictive in exactly the same way a slot machine isaddictive. You can'tquit now because the very next one could be awinner. Or the next. Or thenext.


The Chinese MMO ZT Online has themost devious implementation ofthis I've ever seen. The game is full ofthese treasure chests that mayor may not contain a random item and to openthem, you need a key. Howdo you get the keys? Why, you buy them with real-worldmoney, ofcourse. Like coins in a slot machine.


And that's hardly the mostridiculous aspect of the game.


Now, in addition to the gamblingelement, you have thousands ofplayers in competition with each other, to seewho can be the mostobsessive about opening the chests. One woman tells of howshe spenther entire evening opening chests--over a thousand--to try to winthedaily prize.
She didn't. There was alwayssomeone else more obsessed.


So What's The Problem?
Are you picturing her sitting there, watchingher little characterin front of the chest, clicking dialogue boxes over andover, watchingthe same animation over and over, for hour after hour?


If you didn't know anybetter, you'd think she had a cripplingmental illness. How could shepossibly get from her rational self tothat Rain Man-esque compulsion?

如果不懂她在做什么的话,你会以为她有严重的心理疾病 :“她怎么会从一个好姑娘变成了一个“雨人”一样的自闭症患者?”

BF Skinner knew. He called thattraining process "shaping." Littlerewards, step by step, likelinks in a chain. In WoW you decide youwant the super cool Tier 10 armor. Youneed five separate pieces. Toget the full set, you need more than 400 FrostEmblems, which areearned a couple at a time, from certain enemies. Then youneed toupgrade each piece of armor with Marks of Sanctification. Then againwithHeroic Marks of Sanctification. To get all that you must re-runrepetitivemissions and sit, clicking your mouse, for days and days anddays. Boobies bedamned.

BF Skinner管这种过程叫“塑形”。用小奖励,一步一步,一环扣一环地把你控制住。

Once it gets to that point, can youeven call that activity a"game" anymore? It's morelike scratching a rash. And it gets worse...

一旦你明白了,你还管这些叫"游戏"? 这更像是挠蚊子包,越挠越痒.并且还变的更恶劣了....

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 楼主| rain2 发表于 2012-1-16 15:43:03 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rain2 于 2012-1-16 15:45 编辑

#2. Keeping You PressingIt... Forever

#2. 让你一直点击鼠标,直到永远.

Now, the big difference between ourSkinner box hamster and a realhuman is that we humans can get our pelletselsewhere. If a game reallywas just nothing but clicking a box for randomrewards, we'd eventuallydrop it to play some other game. Humans need along-term goal to keepus going, and the world of addictive gaming has got thisdown to ascience. Techniques include....


Easing Them In

First, set up the"pellets" so that they come fast at first, andthen slower andslower as time goes on. This is why they make it veryeasy to earn rewards (orlevel up) in the beginning of an MMO, but thenthe time and effort betweenlevels increases exponentially. Once thegamer has experienced the rush ofleveling up early, the delayedgratification actually increases the pleasure ofthe later levels. Thatvideo game behavior expert at Microsoft found that gamersplay more andmore frantically as they approach a new level.



Eliminating Stopping Points:

The easiest way is to just put save pointsfar apart, orengage the player in long missions (like WoW raids) that, oncestarted,are difficult to get out of without losing progress.

But thatcan be frustrating for gamers, soyou can take the opposite approach ofa game like New Super Mario Bros. Wii,where you make the levels reallyshort so it's like eating potato chips.They're so small on their ownthat it doesn't take muchconvincing to get the player to grab anotherone, and soon they've eatenthe whole bag.




Somewhere in that bag is an angrydinosaur and a kidnapped princess.


By the way, this is the same reasona person who wouldn't normallyread a 3,000-word article on the Internetwill happily read it if it'ssplit up into list form. Are you ignoringboobies to read this? I'vedone my job!


Play It Or Lose It:

Thisis the real dick move. Why reward thehamster for pressing the lever?Why not simply set it up so that when he failsto press it, we punishhim?

Behaviorists call this"avoidance." They set the cage up sothat it gives the animalan electric shock every 30 seconds unless ithits the lever. It learns very veryfast to stay on the lever, all thetime, hitting it over and over.Forever.




"Get back toExcitebike!"



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 楼主| rain2 发表于 2012-1-16 15:43:59 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rain2 于 2012-1-16 15:46 编辑

Why is your mom obsessivelyharvesting her crops in Farmville?Because they wither and rot if shedoesn't. In Ultima Online, yourhouse or castle would start to decay ifyou didn't return to itregularly. In Animal Crossing, the town growsover with weeds and yourvirtual house becomes infested with cockroaches if youdon't log inoften enough. It's the crown jewel of gameprogrammingdouchebaggery--keep the player clicking and clicking and clickingjustto avoid losing the stuff they worked so hard to get.


All Of the Above:

Each of those techniques has a downsideandto get the ultimate addictive game, you combine as many aspossible, along withthe "random drop" gambling element mentionedbefore (count howmany of these techniques are in WoW). They get thehamster running back andforth from one lever to another to another.


So What's The Problem?

We asked earlier if the itemcollection viaobsessive clicking could be called a "game." So thatraisesthe question: What is a game?

Well, we humans play gamesbecause there isa basic satisfaction in mastering a skill, even ifit's a pointless onein terms of our overall life goals. It helps usdevelop our brains (especiallyas children) and to test ourselveswithout serious consequences if we fail. Thisis why our brains rewardus with the sensation we call "fun"when we do it. Hell, even dolphinsdo it:


之前我们提出这个问题:强迫性的点击>>>>收集物品 能不能称为一个游戏 那么这引出一个大问题 什么是游戏?


This is why I haven'tincluded games like Guitar Hero inthis article. They're addictive,sure, but in a way everybodyunderstands. It's perfectly natural toenjoy getting good at something.Likewise, competitive games like Modern Warfare2 are just sports for people who lack athleticism. There's no mysterythere; everybody likes to win.


But these "hit the leveruntil you pass out from starvation"gaming elements stray into adifferent area completely. As others havepointed out, the point is to keep youplaying long after you'vemastered the skills, long after you'vewrung the last real novelexperience from it. You can't come up with adefinition of "fun" thatencompasses the activity of clickinga picture of a treasure chest withyour mouse a thousand times.


This is why some writers blastedBlizzard when WoW introduced anew "achievement" system acouple of years ago. These are rewards tiedto performing random pointlesstasks, over and over again (such as,fishing until you catch a thousand fish).No new content, no element ofpractice, or discovery, or mastery was included.Just a virtualtreadmill.



Of course, game developers (andvarious commenters, I'm sure)would correctly point out that nobody ismaking the players do it. Whywould humans voluntarily put themselves inlaboratory hamster mode?Well, it's all about...


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 楼主| rain2 发表于 2012-1-16 15:45:23 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rain2 于 2012-1-16 15:46 编辑

#1. Getting You To Callthe Skinner Box Home

#1. 让你把Skinner箱当作自己的家

Do you like your job?

Considering half of you are readingthis atwork, I'm going to guess no. And that brings us to the onething thatmakes gaming addiction--and addiction in general--soincredibly hard tobeat.



As shocking as this sounds, a wholelot of the "guy who failed allof his classes because he was playingWoW all the time" horror storiesare really just about a dude whosimply didn't like his classes verymuch. This was never some dystopianmind control scheme by Blizzard.The games just filled a void.


Why do so many of us have that void?Because according toeverything expert Malcolm Gladwell, to be satisfied withyour job youneed three things, and I bet most of you don't even havetwo of them:

Autonomy (that is, you have some say inwhat you do day to day);

Complexity (so it's notmind-numbing repetition);

Connection Between Effort and Reward (i.e.you actually see the awesome results of your hard work).

为什么我们中有太多人有这个空缺呢?通过Malcolm Gladwell,我们知道任何人满意他的工作需要三件东西,我打赌你们中的大部分人连两件都没有




Notice that pants are not necessaryfor job satisfaction.

Most people, particularly in theyoung gamer demographics, don'thave this in their jobs or in any aspectof their everyday lives. Butthe most addictive video games are specificallygeared to give us allthree... or at least the illusion of all three.



You pick your quests, or which Farmvillecrops to plant. Hell, you even pick your own body, species and talents.




Players will do monotonousgrindingspecifically because it doesn't feel like grinding. Rememberthecomplicated Tier Armor/Frost Emblem dance that kept our gamerclickingearlier.



Connection Between Effort andReward:

This is the big one. When you level up inWoW a goddamned plume of golden light shoots out of your body.



Thisis what most of us don'tget in everyday life--quick, tangible rewards.It's less about instantgratification and more about a freaking senseof accomplishment. How much harderwould we work at the office if wegot this, and could measure our progresstoward it? And if the lightshot from our crotch?


Thebeauty of it is it lets games usethe tedium to their advantage. As wediscussed elsewhere, there's a"work to earn the right to play" aspectof World of Warcraft,where you grind or "farm" for gold for the rightto do thecool stuff later. The tedious nature of the farming actuallyadds to the senseof accomplishment later. And it also helps squash anysense of guilt you mighthave had about neglecting school, work orhousehold chores to play the game.After all, you did your chores--the12 hours you spent farming for gold lastTuesday was less fun thanmowing the fucking lawn. Now it's time forfun.


So What's The Problem?

Video gamedesigner Erin Hoffman said itperfectly: "Addiction is not about whatyou DO, but what youDON'T DO because of the replacement of theaddictive behavior."She was talking about how the attraction of asimple flash game like Bejeweleddepends entirely on how badly you wantto avoid doing the work you have open inthe other window.


游戏设计师 Erin Hoffman说的很好:“沉迷游戏不是说你愿意做啥,而是你不愿意做什么,你用玩游戏逃避了你不愿意做的事。”她说一个简单的FLASH游戏 Bejeweled 都可以让人沉迷进去,这是因为你不想工作,你想干别的。

The terrible truth is that a wholelot of us begged for aSkinner Box we could crawl into, because the realworld's system ofrewards is so much more slow and cruel than weexpected it to be. Inthat, gaming is no different from other forms of mentalescape, fromsports fandom to moonshine

事实就是我们很多人都乞求钻进Skinner,  乞求成为小白鼠,  乞求别人的奖励。因为现实生活给我们的回报真的是太长久了,又太辛苦了。所以,游戏跟看体育,看电影,或者看星星一样就是逃避生活的工具而已。


The danger lies in the fact thatthese games have become soincredibly efficient at delivering the sense ofaccomplishment thatpeople used to get from their education or career.We're not sayinggaming will ruin the world, or that gaming addictionwill be a scourgeon youth the way crack ruined the inner cities in the 90s. Butwe maywind up with a generation of dudes working at Starbucks when they hadthebrains and talent for so much more. They're dissatisfied withtheirlives because they wasted their 20s playing video games, and willescapetheir dissatisfaction by playing more video games. Rinse, repeat.


And let's face it; if youthink WoW is addictive, wait untilyou see the games they're making 10years from now. They're onlygetting better at what they do.



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 楼主| rain2 发表于 2012-1-16 15:47:01 | 显示全部楼层


















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眼镜蛇 发表于 2012-1-16 16:54:13 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| rain2 发表于 2012-1-16 17:01:13 | 显示全部楼层
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suji 发表于 2012-1-16 18:36:13 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
小雨出品,必是精品。  顶一个…

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