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加菲D调 发表于 2011-8-2 12:55:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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特喜欢阿姆 。
       艺 名:Eminem(艾米纳姆)

  本 名:Marshall Bruce Mathers III (马歇尔.布鲁斯.马泽斯三世)

  昵 称:slim shady

  别 名:痞子阿姆 
  生 日:1972年10月17日(星期二)

  星 座:天秤座 

  家 庭:Debbie R. Mathers-Briggs(妈妈) Marshall Bruce Mathers, Jr.(爸爸) Kimberley Anne Scott(前妻)

  女 儿:Hailie Jade生于1995年12月25日

  教 育:Lincoln High School,Warren,Michigan

  身 高:173cm 体 重:76 公斤

  血 型:B

  出生地:美国 密苏里州的堪萨斯附近,8岁和母亲移居底特律 (Detroit, Michigan, U.S.)8英里路


  广告代言:NIKE帽衫,NIKE运动鞋(Encore两款),NIKE滑雪帽,给iPod做过广告 克莱斯勒汽车 百事旗下立顿即饮茶

  最喜欢的品牌:NIKE    (哈哈 我也喜欢)

    最喜欢的运动:篮球 最喜欢的颜色:蓝色





  喜爱的电影:《8英里》《How High》、《骇客帝国》和《Orange County》

  不为人知道的秘密:完美主义者;自己理发;上台前会紧张;左撇子;为了扩大词汇量,曾每夜翻弄词典;曾在餐馆打工时,把歌词记录在发票上;对节奏很敏感,经常能跟着不同的节奏和编曲唱出即兴的歌,念出各种风格和调子的RAP;押韵能力超强,他的《My name is》和大量Freestyle都能体现他的押韵能力,大致上都是两句一韵和一句两韵还有四句一韵。

  偶像:Nas,Tupac Shakur,LL Cool J


  左肩膀:蘑菇形状的骷髅,后面有着火的大厦。纪念已故叔叔“Ronnie Pilkington” (EM指出Ronnie是家庭中唯一关心他的人)

  双前臂中间:“D”“12”意味“Dirty Dozen”在底特律组成乐队团 ,“D”和“12”左右各一个。


  右前臂:“Hailie Jade”女儿名字

  腹部肚脐:墓碑,上面是他前妻的名字,下的英文是“Rot in Pieces”

  右腕里面:“Slit here”

  右肩膀:女儿Hailie Jade的画像和玫瑰,下边有“Bonnie And Clyde”的字样,是为了遮住之前EM纹的那个“Eminem”的纹身。


Better in Time      (他写给女儿的)
I know sometimes things may not always make sense to you right now  
But hey, what daddy always tell you?  
Straighten up little soldier  
Stiffen up that upper lip  
What you crying about?  
You got me  

Hailie I know you miss your mom and I know you miss your dad  
Well I'm gone but I'm trying to give you the life that I never had  
I can see you're sad, even when you smile, even when you laugh  
I can see it in your eyes, deep inside you want to cry  
Cuz you're scared, I ain't there?  
Daddy's with you in your prayers  
No more crying, wipe them tears  
Daddy's here, no more nightmares  
We gon' pull together through it, we gon' do it  
Laney uncles crazy, aint he?  
Yeah but he loves you girl and you better know it  
We're all we got in this world  
When it spins, when it swirls  
When it whirls, when it twirls  
Two little beautiful girls  
Lookin' puzzled, in a daze  
I know it's confusing you  
Daddy's always on the move, mamma's always on the news  
I try to keep you sheltered from it but somehow it seems  
The harder that I try to do that, the more it backfires on me  
All the things growing up his daddy that he had to see  
Daddy don't want you to see but you see just as much as he did  
We did not plan it to be this way, your mother and me  
But things have gotten so bad between us  
I don't see us ever being together ever again  
Like we used to be when we was teenagers  
But then of course everything always happens for a reason  
I guess it was never meant to be  
But it's just something we have no control  
over and that's what destiny is  
But no more worries, rest your head and go to sleep  
Maybe one day we'll wake up and this will all just be a dream  

Now hush little baby, don't you cry  
Everything's gonna be alright  
Stiffen that upperlip up little lady, i told ya  
Daddy's here to hold ya through the night  
I know mommy's not here right now and we don't know why  
We feel how we feel inside  
It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby  
But i promise momma's gon' be alright  

It's funny  
I remember back one year when daddy had no money  
Mommy wrapped the Christmas presents up  
And stuck 'em under the tree and said some of 'em were from me  
Cuz daddy couldn't buy 'em  
I'll never forget that Christmas I sat up the whole night crying  
Cuz daddy felt like a bum, see daddy had a job  
But his job was to keep the food on the table for you and mom  
And at the time every house that we lived in  
Either kept getting broke into and robbed  
Or shot up on the block and your mom was saving money for you in a jar  
Tryna start a piggy bank for you so you could go to college  
Almost had a thousand dollars till someone broke in and stole it  
And I know it hurt so bad it broke your momma's heart  
And it seemed like everything was just startin' to fall apart  
Mom and dad was arguin' a lot so momma moved back  
On the Chalmers in the flat one bedroom apartment  
And dad moved back to the other side of 8 Mile on Novara  
And that's when daddy went to California with his CD and met Dr. Dre  
And flew you and momma out to see me  
But daddy had to work, you and momma had to leave me  
Then you started seeing daddy on the T.V. and momma didn't like it  
And you and Laney were to young to understand it  
Papa was a rollin' stone, momma developed a habit  
And it all happened too fast for either one of us to grab it  
I'm just sorry you were there and had to witness it first hand  
Cuz all I ever wanted to do was just make you proud  
Now I'm sittin in this empty house, just reminiscing  
Lookin' at your baby pictures, it just trips me out  
To see how much you both have grown,  
it's almost like you're sisters now  
Wow, guess you pretty much are and daddy's still here  
Laney I'm talkin' to you too, daddy's still here  
I like the sound of that, yeah  
It's got a ring to it don't it?  
Shh, momma's only gone for the moment  

Now hush little baby, don't you cry  
Everything's gonna be alright  
Stiffen that upperlip up little lady, i told ya  
Daddy's here to hold ya through the night  
I know mommy's not here right now and we don't know why  
We feel how we feel inside  
It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby  
But i promise momma's gon' be alright  

And if you ask me too  
Daddy's gonna buy you a mockingbird  
I'mma give you the world  
I'mma buy a diamond ring for you  
I'mma sing for you  
I'll do anything for you to see you smile  
And if that mockingbird don't sing and that ring don't shine  
I'mma break that birdies neck  
I'd go back to the jewler who sold it to ya  
And make him eat every carat don't fuck with dad (haha)
     中文版的 有兴趣自己搜吧  其实自己用心理解感受效果更佳 。
拉莫斯 发表于 2011-8-2 13:21:52 | 显示全部楼层

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kiros 发表于 2011-8-2 13:28:53 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 加菲D调 发表于 2011-8-2 18:39:26 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
kiros 发表于 2011-8-2 13:28  听过一首最经典的

love the way you lie??我手机铃音。嘿嘿  可喜欢

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