零式 发表于 2009-11-24 11:10:23



首先这幅照片是在一个英文博客上发布的,作者起的标题名字是“Why wouldn’t they write that in French then?”(为什么他们不用法语写?)。呵呵的确,为什么不用法语写呢(是中国人都能猜出来:其实是因为这丫不懂法语),另外大家可能知道英语口语中French一词有“脏话”的意思,所以作者的这个题目起得有双关性,有水平。另外评论者也对图片中这句英文中“and”的意思不大明白……是法国人和狗一起,还是说法国人或者狗?
然后是一些人的评论:lolcopter:As a french, I can understand the guy doesn’t want french people in his cab. But dogs, seriously. Dogs are cool ! What a retard.
(作为一个法国人,我知道他们为什么抵制我们,能理解他们的心情,但是我搞不明白的是,为什么连狗也要抵制,狗很cool啊!)Daniel :What about Frenchmen without dogs? dogs without Frenchmen?
(那么没带狗的法国人或者单独一只狗呢?)Mr Evilwrench:All us white folks look alike to them, and we all speak English, don’t you know. Right?
(我们白人在他们眼里都是一样的,都说英语)Zero :I can only understand a little Chinese but I’m Japanese so I can read many of the kanji. It didn’t look like the translation was correct, but after looking it up in the dictionary I can confirm Kara is correct – it does say no French or dogs can ride.
(我是个日本人但我懂一点点汉语,我觉得他们翻译的不准确,但是中文的意思的确是:不载法国人或者狗)Aaron Hong:Cue the French Bruce Lee kicking the windshield in…except that the French don’t have a Bruce Lee… but they do have a Spider-man.
(接着法国的李小龙就会踢碎那玻璃(就像踢开东亚病夫的招牌一样),不幸的是法国并没有李小龙,但他们的确有一个蜘蛛侠。囧一下:法国的蜘蛛侠)The Golden Fox:Well i dont think the driver would have anything agains dogs if they could give him a destination and some freaking MONEY. Belive me dogs does not like to pay for the ride
(为什么狗也不能坐车?啊哦,我觉得如果狗狗会给出一个目的地并付钱的话司机是不会有理由拒绝的,但是相信我,据我所知狗狗并不会付钱)2:I’m French and I don’t really understand that.Well, the boycott is old and French didn’t really know all the story.
Well, ok for the French but as it was written above, why dogs ?
(我是个法国人但我不太理解这个。多数法国人并不了解这其中的缘由。好吧,就算抵制法国人,但是为什么要连累狗呢?)Andy B:I’ll just open my own cab company and refuse to carry spiders and visigoths.
(我正准备开一家我自己的出租车公司,并且拒绝搭载蜘蛛侠和西哥特人(四世纪后入侵罗马帝国并在法国和西班牙建立王国的条顿族人))Al :How many dogs do you know that can read English? There’s no translation for them. This is animal abuse.

linchanggeng 发表于 2009-11-24 15:49:07


麦子 发表于 2009-11-24 18:36:16


木子 发表于 2009-11-24 19:20:09


蓝色海洋 发表于 2009-11-25 21:34:34

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查看完整版本: 『有趣的东西』中国人侮辱了老外,老外的反应